People and businesses related to HP&LB.
Arnoldo Egidio (Louise) brtndr h A665 Washington
Bassett Yount Co J A Chapman pres A E Erickson vice-pres H B Bassett sec M A Yount treas
Bell W J eng N P Ry.
G H Copland Co G H Copland pres Mary C Copland vice-pres Georgina Copland sec
Copland Geo H (Mary S) h 156 Melrose av N
Crell Edwd H (Margaret)
Dashely Fred W (Christina) real est h 977 20th av
Devers Robert A (Izora M), Lawyer 630-32 New York Bldg, Tels Elliott 5212 J, Main 2689, h 8857 6th Ave SW
Doty Chauncey A (Minnie G), (Doty & Cole), h 614 14th Av N
Doty & Cole (C A Doty A J Cole) timber investments 1107 White bldg
Abrahamson Brick Co, Mrs A Abrahamson and Nels Anderson Proprs, J M Brewster Mngr, Yards 13th Av SW and W Edmunds, Riverside, Tel Sidney 468, Office 324 Pioneer Bldg, Tels Elliott 3685, Main 1077
Few Bros (Edwd and Chas) mkt gardeners R F D 4
Gardner Henry S eng h 4736 13th Av SW
Giddings Raymond S miner b 1313 Franklin av
Glenn Harvey L (Emma)
2 Green Chas H . Green Chas H (Teria) h 4755 Bond; Green Chas H (Matie) (Green & Cox) h 3905 Americus
Green & Cox (C H Green F W Cox) dry goods 9264 57th av S
Gregory Linden I (Emma) sec-treas Seacoma Beach Improvement Co h 1732 18th
Seacoma Beach Improvement Co A M Brooks pres J H Closson vice-pres L I Gregory sec-treas 856 Empire bldg
Gustavson Gottfrid G (Ann M) (Frykholm & Gustavson) h 2312 Harvard ave N
Hansen Carrie (wid Geo) h 5406 Detroit av
Harris Fletcher A (Bessie) salsn Fischer Bros h 812 31st av
Hood Wm H (Laura) (Hoods Candy Co) b 314 Queen Anne av
Howe Chas M (Lizzie M) sec-treas-mngr American Portable House Co h 2324 California av
3 Hughes Robt . E r 1524.5 6th av; H student r 1123 14th av; O (Flora M) salsn Fleishmann Co h 1423 W 52nd
5 Walter Johnson . Appr; blksmth; clk; cornicemaker; D (Gracce C) adv mngr The Argus; S (Marie) pres Union Paper Box Mnfg Co sec Chesley Tug & Barge Co; T clk
Lindsey Marshall (Mary) rancher h cor 9th av S sw corner Trenton
J A Maitland sec Empire Furniture Mnfg Co
Empire Furniture Mnfg Co John A Lane pres J A Maitland sec 1400 Ewing
McCallister John W (Frances M) dairy h 7201 Detroit av
McElreath Barton R (Cora E) prin Daniel Bagley sch h 1107 Franklin av
McElroy James F, Lawyer Tel Main 1034, h 2012 th Av, Tel Main 2004
Meerscheidt Axel (Meerscheidt & Trenckmann) h East Seattle
Mitchell Frank W sec Highland Park & Lake Burien R R, Mill Properties, Timber and Farm Lands 633 Pioneer Bldg, Tel Main 7895, h 15 Adrian ct, Tel Main 2550
Murphy Arthur (Kate P) meats 14 Westlake Mkt h 120 Fairview
Murphy Wm H (Carrie) 708 Ewing meats 1316 E 42nd h 3634 Aurora av
Myers Arthur R appr r 3432 Walnut av
Petley Benj H (May) draftsman Hanford & Blackwell Co h 1419 37th av
Ravet Emil E (Mary M) draftsman City Eng h 1417 Charles
Rinehart Wm V pres AmericanCoal Co (Amanda S) real est 1109 Alaska bldg h 760 Belmont av N
Rinehart Wm V Jr (Martha A) Sec-Mngr The Chilberg Agency, Steamship Tickets, Insurance, Real Estate, Loans, 702 2d Av, Tels Main 528, Elliott 528, h 15-903 9th Av, Tel Main 1539
Rink Emil C (Henrietta) propr The Louvre h B619 Eastlake av
Roll Silas C (Sadie A) propr Palace Market h 108 19th av
Scheel Wm (Elizabeth) rancher h 5960 Detroit av
Schoening Chas (Minnie)(Palace Market Co) h 162 19th av
Scott Jas (Eliza) tailor 510 Marion bldg h 2751 California av
Seattle Mill & Mnfg Co Wm J Mullins supt lumber mnfrs mills Spokane av and W Waterway
Soames Harry (Marie H) h 5969 Detroit av
Sorensen Sufus (Ruby) restaurant 920 1st av h B5-151 11th av
Suter Chas C (Alice) brtndr h 2224 2d av
Upper G Wyatt (Emma L) pres-treas G W Upper Co, h 548 18th Av
GW Upper & Co, GW Upper Pres-Treas, Mortgage Loans and Investments 205-206 American Bank Bldg, Tels Main 8010, Elliott 3910
Weiffenbach August J (Regina) propr Seattle Cornice Wks h 302 13th av N
Woodin Scott P phys h 507 Corson av h do
Posted by Rob Ketcherside at July 23, 2005 3:49 PM