"Guinea Pig"
My life is just like a guinea pig's.
I haven't got a bit of freedom.
Running to tests, running to lessons.
I haven't got even a moment to think.
Gimme it back - body, body
It's mine, man - body, body
Let me free - body, body
It's mine, man - body, body
My life is just like a guinea pig's.
I'm disected - at work.
In a crowded train, early every morning
Round and round and round and round [in a maze]
My life is just like a guinea pig's.
I haven't got a bit of freedom.
Running to tests, running to lessons.
I haven't got even a moment to think.
{Notes: "marumotto" is actually a marmot, but guinea pig makes the meaning more obvious in English. I think they meant "lab" by LABO.}