Walk to Work (Seattle)
Inaugural unannounced walk to work day!
Six months after a half-serious dare, I set out to see if I could make it to work. Next time I will pack the night before, and be sure to bring a flashlight, water, reflective vest, and detailed map of the Mercer Slough and Mercer Island. I'll also make sure my shoes are tied firmly, and wear appropriate pants. I shouldn't have approached this as if it were an idle trip.
After I arrived at work, I went about my work day with the knowledge that I'd covered about 18 miles in 4 hours. I expected someone to notice me limping and ask what was up, but they were apparently all oblivious to the monumental feat that had been accomplished! Knowing the route, I'm sure I could do it in 3.5 hours next time. If there ever is a next time.
5:00 A.M. Dearborn looking east at I-5. I'm tired. I woke up early by accident and at 3:45 went back to sleep after getting ready. Forgot sunglasses, water, just about everything.
5:10 A.M. Rainier entrance to I-90 bike path. Scary realization that the bike path is unlit! No flashlight on me. Another item for the checklist next time.
5:20 A.M. Bike path crosses street. The street has no sign on it, so I have no idea where I am (23rd). Bike path is horribly marked. Gotta bring string next time to find my way home.
5:30 A.M. On I-90. I thought I'd jogged to the halfway point, but the bridge is deceptively long.
5:40 A.M. Still on I-90. Took forever to cross. Encounter first bicyclists headed towards Seattle.
5:50 A.M. Finally hit Mercer Island. Immediately I am faced with a forking path and no directions. This needs to be fixed.
6:00 A.M. Still on Mercer Island, east end of the lid. The park was nice, but stressful. Always checking to see if I'm going the right way.
6:10 A.M. Still on Mercer Island. At this point I am being passed by bicyclists frequently, usually westbound.
6:20 A.M. Finally off of Mercer Island. I sing a song of joy. I start running (uphill) after sand is tossed in my face from passing cars. The traffic lanes seem closer to the bike path than on the long bridge.
6:30 A.M. Encounter my first wayfinding map at 108th & SE 34th. Very nice. Turn north on 112th SE. I was hoping to be at 148th by now. Folks walking their dogs.
6:40 A.M. Normally I catch the bus about now. Bellevue Way, just north of the South Bellevue P&R. After two Harleys roar past me, I decide to take the scenic route.
6:50 A.M. The scenic route. Ditch into the Mercer Slough, which is thankfully well marked and mapped. Nice refreshing nature walk.
7:00 A.M. 118th SE. Hoped to stay on nature trails until SE 8th, but I end up taking this road after a wrong turn or something.
7:10 A.M. SE 8th just east of 405, looking at the rail bridge. Bike routes are pretty well marked with helpful distances.
7:20 A.M. 128th SE. I hoped to cut through Wilburton Park, but I missed it. The bike route points ambiguously towards the Wilburton Homes.
In the previous shot, the sidewalk ends. In this one, it's been destroyed. Entrance to International School.
As I enter Wilburton Homes from the Lake Hills Connector on SE 7th Pl, I am amazed at the amount of traffic for such a small road. Soon I discover the cause: school is about to start.
I see a couple of empty buses and a frightening horde of cars dropping off kids. It's chaotic, people stopping their cars everywhere. Was school always like this?
This kid is one of the few hoofing it. It's questionably safe with no sidewalks and tons of cars. He's got his carry-on packed for a 'journey of discovery' at school.
7:30 A.M. NE 128th, near Main. With no kids walking, this striped shoulder actually feels sufficient. There's almost no traffic on this road.
128th NE at NE 8th, looking back south. Speed bumps up 128th. Narrowed roadway. Finally the road ends, and only peds and bikes can make it to the arterial, NE 8th. Cheaper than sidewalks, and keeps traffic light.
7:40 A.M. NE 8th. Walls protect apartments from roadway noise. Greenery makes it feel okay, but I'd hate to have a scary dude walking towards me and nowhere to run. Usually I am in my office by this time.
NE 8th, fancy bus stop and Z-pedestrian crossing. The push buttons elicit immediate light changes. Nice.
I forgot to bring water. At 134th NE, suddenly there is a sweet smell. Stronger at the corner. I peak over the wall to find luscious blackberries. I eat a few. Refreshing.
8:10 A.M. 140th NE at NE 20th. Bel-Red road sucks. Sidewalks are too narrow. A bicyclist almost killed me. I stopped at Safeway for a juice.
8:20 A.M. 140th NE. A blinking red light at the stop sign at NE 40th beckons me. I can see it from 15 blocks away. I can sense the end of the road. If I push, I can make it by 9.
8:30 A.M. NE 40th. No sidewalks, but needs them. No drainage, despite a "help protect our creeks!" sign. Scary when construction trucks rumble by. No wonder why people drive a mile to work.
8:40 A.M. 148th NE at NE 40th. Lots of construction at this intersection. Looks like they're adding right turn lanes and softening the corner for cars. They should spend the money on sidewalks for 40th instead.
8:50 A.M. 148th NE at NE 51st. This is it. The drivers get nastier as I approach work. 5 more minutes and 2 flights of stairs and I'm in my office. Then back down for a nice cleansing shower!