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For Seattleite horological pedestrians

King Street Station Tower Clock

Downtown Walk > Clock #2
King Street Station Tower Clock

Directions: From Union Station, head west across 4th South and 2nd Extension South. Two minute walk.

King Street Station was completed in 1906 for use by the Great Northern and North Pacific Railroads. Today the 75-foot tower (campanile) is rivaled by many tall buildings surrounding it, but it must have risen like a beacon when it glowed on dark nights a hundred years ago. It would be another ten years before Smith Tower was built a few blocks to the north.

Towards the end of station renovations, the clock was overhauled. It's now working again for the first time in decades. After the building is cleaned off and the clocks are repaired, this should once this is very visible and usefule timepiece, located at the hub of regional transit.

King Street Station Campanile and Clock
Union Station Facade Clock Previous was Union Station Facade Clock
F. X. McRory's Street Clock Next is F. X. McRory's Street Clock