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Seattle Clock Walk
Downtown walk map, City map, About, Clock home, About Rob
For Seattleite horological pedestrians

About > Sources

There were a number of individuals and websites that were instrumental in providing information about the clocks in Seattle. Below, I list as many as I can remember.

Carol Valenta from Sound Transit provided excellent background information for the clocks associated with the Metro bus tunnel. She coordinated arts for the tunnel project while at Metro.

Jerry Martin, who has restored and done maintenance on many of Seattle's clocks, gave me lots of great info, especially about F.X. McRory and Bank of America.

Mary McLean from F.X. McRory pointed me to Mr. Martin.

Karen Gordon from Seattle's Department of Neighborhoods

A kind soul at Seattle Metropolitan Credit Union who corrected some of my data.

Owner of Belltown Billiards.

Thomas D. Erb from Electric Time Company.

Carroll's Fine Jewelry

City of Seattle Historic Preservation

City of Seattle Legislative Database

King County Parcel Viewer

Great Streets' Seattle Street Clocks - surprisingly I didn't find this site until I was nearing completion!

History Link - Washington State History

Steve Schmidt's Street Clocks Webpage

The Seattle Times

Downtown Walking Tour: Cultural Lifeline